Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Alien, Giraffe, Harry Potter and a Princess
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Alex & Ruby ready to go trick or treating.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

happy to be riding his bike

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the evolution of man

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balloon animals

Bill learned how to make balloon animals on Saturday.
Dillon is holding a dog, Alex is holding a sword, and Bill is holding a purple flamingo
(they didn't have enough pink)
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Alex and mommy find a better apple
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Alex and Daddy find the perfect apple
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fall harvest orchard

Alex with his cousins Dillon and Kayla at the Fall Harvest Ochard on Saturday.
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Friday, September 5, 2008

Alex on his 1st day of preschool
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Gooseberry Falls
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This is our spot.
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We took Alex to the Train Museum - very cool!
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Duluth's lift bridge
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Daddy teaching Alex how to skip rocks.
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Is this face genetic?
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